Saturday, July 8, 2017

Decode Hindu Mythology

Basic Mythology
Man has always sought to understand the world around him better and Myths are the imaginative traditions devised in order to explain his surroundings.

Early Man would have been completely in awe of the natural and supernatural phenomena around him and probably have sought to make sense of phenomena such as Lightening & Thunder, Rain & Drought, Day & Night, Birth & Death. It was the experience of their mystery, mingled with fear, that gave birth to Mythology and eventually, 

Through Mythology, man sought to understand his environment, the nature of his world and even the existence of God but it would be foolhardy to think of these tales merely as a product of someone's overactive imagination.

Indeed there is a wealth of knowledge hidden in each of these (so called) myths which can shed a great deal of light on the beliefs of a bygone era as well as reveal the scientific insights and accomplishments that the ancients had achieved or were privy to.
Mythologies from different parts of the globe talk about a deluge (Flood myths). Now the question here is - did all of them see the same dream??? Or could it logically indicate the extent to which sea-levels rose globally after the Ice-Age, thereby flooding the homes and memories of the survivors?    

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